Hello, I'm Classie Davidson!

Avatar image of Classie Davidson

I'm a Front End Web Developer located in Houston, Texas who creates interactive websites that are visually engaging and user friendly.


Github Repo Gallery Project

GitHub Gallery Repo

Uses GitHub's API to pull public data from my GitHub portfolio to create a gallery of repositories. Visitors to the site can click on the repos to see more details and a link to the repo.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: REST API, GitHub Pages

live page
Guess The Word Game

Guess the Word Game

Single webpage hosting a game that chooses a random word for users to guess by entering one letter at a time. If the player guesses all the letters correctly before all allotted guesses are used, they win!

Skills: Javascript

Tools: GitHub Pages, JSON

live page
Custom Sticky Note UI Project

Super Sticky Notes

A greenfield project creating an interactive sticky note web app. Uses multiple components to build a classic sticky note UI that allows users to add, edit, delete, and search for notes.

Skills: React, JSX, Components

Tools: CodeSandBox, Props, State

live page
Unplugged Retreat Project


A multi-page responsive website coded with Flexbox. This design composition is adaptable and has several sections that can be repurposed for different sites and devices.

Skills: HTML, CSS, Responsive Typography, Flexbox, Media Queries

Tools: GitHub Pages, Chrome DevTools, Adobe Photoshop, VSCode Editor

live page
Rogue Pickings Project

Rogue Pickings

A simple responsive home page design suited for a pop-up restaurant or food truck enterprise. Originally a static website, I converted it to adjust to any device using Flexbox.

Skills: HTML & CSS, Media Queries, Flexbox

Tools: Adobe Photoshop, GitHub Pages, VSCode Editor, Chrome DevTools

live page


Developer Skills




Git and GitHub

Responsive Web Development


Tech Tools

Chrome DevTools

Visual Studio Code


Adobe Creative Suite

Photo of Classie Davidson

Hi, I'm Classie Davidson.

I'm a Front End Web Developer with a passion for creating lively, responsive websites.

I took an interest in becoming a web developer once I realized a tech career provided more freedom and opportunity to advance my quality of life. I love how the industry encourages creativity, collaboration, and independent thinking. Also, the work required is meaningful, stimulating, and fun!

For the past 10 years, I've dedicated myself to advancing my skills and expertise in the industries of Business Administration & Finance. I'm proud to have conquered every obstacle thrown my way and thankful to have had the opportunity to work with and learn from so many people. However, I want to continue growing professionally and break new barriers.

Apart from career, I'm a sucker for vivid storylines and beautiful visuals, so when I'm not coding, I get lost in the wonderful world of Anime and online video games.

It was nice to virtually meet you :)
Can't wait to join your team!